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Does the Agreement to Apply "Chinese law" in a Contract for the International Sale of Goods ipso facto Include CISG?

泰和泰(南京)律师事务所 张迪、谭芳

【问题引出/Question posed

     《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,以下简称CISG)1980年在维也纳批准通过,并于1988年1月1日正式生效,截至目前,共有97个缔约国。我国也是第一批核准加入的缔约国之一,针对国际货物买卖合同,如双方当事人未明确排除CISG的适用,则CISG自动适用。

     The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as CISG) was ratified and adopted in Vienna in 1980 and entered into force on 1 January 1988. Up to now, there are 97 Contracting States. China is also one of the first batch of contracting states to approve accession to the CISG, which applies automatically to contracts for the international sale of goods if the parties do not expressly exclude the application of the CISG.


     However, in practice, when both parties agreed to apply "Chinese law" in the contract for the sale of international goods, but did not explicitly exclude the application of the CISG, there is still a controversy as to whether the CISG applies ipso facto. This article introduces the basic rules of application of CISG in China, and focuses on the difficult issues involved in the analysis of the question in combination with judicial practice cases and theoretical views, with a view to providing practical advice and risk tips for enterprises engaged in international trade in respect of the agreement and application of the applicable law.


     I. Controversies in judicial practice


     (i) Viewpoint 1: The court held that the parties' choice to apply Chinese law and the failure to exclude the application of the CISG did not ipso facto give priority to the application of the CISG.


     [Case 1] Re-trial of the International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute in the Case of Qingdao Gao Deli Logistics Equipment Co. Ltd. vs. Taidu System Co. Ltd. (Case (2020) Supreme Court Min Shen No. 2676)

     1.协议约定/ Agreements


     The parties did not expressly settle in the agreement on the law applicable to the dispute, but agreed at the trial of first instance to choose the law of the People's Republic of China as the law applicable to the case.

     2.法院观点/ Views of the Court


     In this case, the parties had their places of business in China and Korea respectively, both of which are members of the CISG Contracting States, and in the court hearing, the parties jointly chose to apply Chinese law as the law applicable to the determination of their rights and obligations, without explicitly excluding the application of the CISG. The Supreme People's Court ultimately hold that it was not improper for the People’s court which originally heard the case had applied Chinese law rather than CISG to hear the case. Even if the CISG had been applied directly in this case, it would not have been possible to conclude that Taidu constituted a fundamental breach of contract, and therefore whether Chinese law or the CISG was given priority in this case would not affect the substantive rights and obligations of the parties.


     (ii) Viewpoint 2: The court held that where the parties had chosen to apply Chinese law and had not excluded the application of CISG, priority should be given to the application of CISG.


     [Case 2] Sarapinkman vs. Guangdong Lauters Enterprise Co., Ltd. International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute  in the Second Instance (Case (2018) Yue Min Zhong No. 1424)

     1.协议约定/ Agreements


     The parties to this case did not agree on the applicable law in their agreement, but in the trial of first instance they both agreed to choose the applicable Chinese law as the law applicable to the case.

     2.法院观点/ Views of the Court


     The Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court held that since the parties' places of business were in the United States and China respectively, both of which were Contracting States of the CISG, and according to Article 1(1)(a) of the CISG, although the parties chose to apply Chinese law, the parties did not expressly exclude the application of the CISG, the case should be prioritised for the application of the CISG, and then for the application of the relevant Chinese law if the CISG did not provide for that, and the Appellants' grounds of appeal are not established.


     It can be seen that also on the premise that the agreement did not explicitly agree on the applicable law, both parties agreed in court to choose to apply Chinese law, but due to the different understanding of the application of the CISG by the judicial organs, two very different choices emerged. Even though there is no substantial impact on the outcome of the case, China's judicial practice needs to gradually unify the adjudication thinking in the understanding and application of CISG, to steadily converge with the international market, and to provide risk anticipation and judicial protection for the parties to international goods transactions.


     II. Legislative gaps in the application of the law


     (i) Rules applicable to CISG: automatic application and exclusionary rules


     Article 1(1)(a) of CISG provides that the Convention  applies  to  contracts  of  sale  of  goods  between  parties  whose  places  of  business  are  in  different  States: (a)  when the States are Contracting States. The provisions of the Convention shall apply to the contract of sale at issue between the parties, even if the parties have not made a choice as to the application of the Convention, unless the parties have expressly excluded the application of the Convention.

     1.自动适用规则/ Automatic application of rules


     Pursuant to Article 1(1)(a) CISG applies "directly" or "automatically" if the States in which the parties have their places of business are located in different Contracting States, which is referred to as "automatic application".


     In (2020) Hu 0115 Min Chu No. 42206, the Shanghai Pudong New Area People's Court held that the plaintiff’s and the defendant's places of business were located in China and Uruguay, both of which were contracting states of the CISG, and that since the parties had not agreed on the law applicable to the contract and the defendant had explicitly expressed its disagreement with the exclusion of the application of the CISG during the trial, the court should apply the CISG to the trial of the case. In this case, both the plaintiff and the defendant had their places of business in Contracting States to the CISG and did not agree to exclude the application of the CISG, so the CISG should be applied automatically without the need to determine the applicable law according to the rules of private international law.

     2.排除适用规则/ Exclusion of applicable rules


     If the parties expressly exclude the application of CISG, choose to apply a particular substantive law of a State, or choose to apply the law of a State that is not a party to CISG, pursuant to Article 6 of CISG, which states that "the parties may exclude the application of this Convention or, subject to article 12, derogate from or vary the effect of any of its provisions.," we have unanimous considers that the application of CISG is excluded in such cases.


     In the case of (2019) Zhe Min Zhong No. 944, the Zhejiang Provincial Higher People's Court held that the parties in this case had their places of business in different Contracting States of the CISG, but the agreement between the parties expressly stipulated that the laws of the People's Republic of China would be applicable to the interpretation and jurisdiction of this agreement and the CISG would not be applicable to it, and therefore this case shall be considered under the laws of China.


     The UNCITRAL Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) considers that CISG should be regarded as impliedly excluded whenever the parties to the contract have expressly opted for a particular national law of a Contracting State (e.g., by agreeing to apply the Chinese Civil Code), and that in such a case, the parties' intention to exclude CISG is "clear". In contrast, where the parties have chosen the law of a non-CISG Contracting State as the applicable law, since CISG does not constitute a source of law in that State, even if the application of CISG has not been expressly excluded, it produces the same legal effect as the exclusion of the application of CISG.


     (ii) Domestic law basis


     In 2009, China amended the General Principles of Civil Law, article 142 of which stipulates: "Where the provisions of an international treaty which the People's Republic of China has concluded or has acceded to differ from civil laws of the People's Republic of China, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply, with the exception of those articles to which the People's Republic of China has declared its reservation."


     In 2010, China promulgated the Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relations, article 2 of which stipulates: "For laws applicable to civil relations involving foreigners, this Law shall be followed. For special regulations in other laws applicable to civil relations involving foreigners, the relevant regulations shall be followed.

     If there are no regulations related to the application of civil relations involving foreigners in this Law and other laws, the laws that are most closely related to civil relations involving foreigners shall be applied." This article makes clear provisions on the law applicable to foreign-related legal relations, but does not provide for the application of international treaties.


     Neither the subsequent General Principles of the Civil Code nor the current Civil Code have clarified this issue.


     (iii) Whether CISG belongs to "Chinese law": exclusionary and inclusionary approaches

     1.从法理学的角度来说,CISG属于“中国法律”的法律渊源之一。/  From the point of view of jurisprudence, CISG is one of the legal sources of "Chinese law".


     The CISG, as an international treaty, should be part of the sources of law in China, and was introduced to "reduce legal obstacles to international trade and promote the development of international trade" by formulating "uniform rules for contracts for the international sale of goods that take into account different social, economic and legal systems. " Its legislative purpose dictates that the CISG should be used in preference to the domestic law of each country. According to the "indirect application" clause in Article 1(1)(b) of the CISG, its connotation is still to guarantee the priority of application of the CISG. Article 142(2) of the General Principles of Civil Law of China clearly affirms that international treaties concluded or participated by China have the status of source of law in trial practice, and that their level of effectiveness is higher than that of general civil law. However, as the current Civil Code of China does not respond positively to this issue, there is a legislative gap in the guidelines for the application of CISG in China. In our view, the CISG is a self-contained system that was agreed upon in order to eliminate the tilting of the law of a certain country in international disputes over the sale of goods and, as a common law to be observed by the contracting parties, it can be directly applied if it meets the conditions for its application.

     2.排除说:约定适用“中国法律”意味着排除CISG的适用。/ Exclusion: agreeing to apply "Chinese law" means excluding the application of CISG.


     Some courts have held that a mere general and vague agreement to apply the law of a Contracting State, such as Chinese law, has the legal effect of precluding the application of the CISG and have ultimately relied on the Chinese law chosen by agreement of the parties as the applicable law.


     For example, in case (2020) Supreme Court Min Shen No. 2676, the court of first instance found Chinese law to be the governing law of the case, as the parties had agreed to choose Chinese law as the governing law of the case. On appeal, the appellant pointed out that the first instance judgement had made an error in the application of the law and should have given priority to the application of CISG, and argued that since the parties had not chosen the applicable law in the contract and had not expressly excluded the application of CISG, even if the parties had chosen the Chinese law as the applicable law of the case at the first instance hearing, it should not have had the legal effect of excluding the application of CISG. In its reasoning, the court of retrial emphasized that neither the application of Chinese law nor CISG would affect the substantive rights and obligations of the parties, and ultimately the case went through the first and second instance and retrial without recognizing the pre-emptive effect of CISG.


     However, we can see that the analysis and reasoning of the court in this case is pale and weak, and obviously does not respond positively to the issue of the competing application of CISG and Chinese law. This also seems to imply that some courts in China do not consider CISG to be part of the sources of Chinese law, and that "Chinese law" does not include CISG.

     3.包含说:约定适用“中国法律”并未排除CISG的适用。/ Inclusion: The agreement to apply "Chinese law" does not exclude the application of CISG.


     Some other courts still consider CISG as the applicable law of preference when the parties have chosen to apply Chinese law by agreement and have not explicitly excluded the application of CISG.


     For example, in Case (2019) Jin Min Zhong No. 90, the Tianjin Higher People's Court held that both parties chose to apply the laws of the People's Republic of China in the first and second instance hearings, and therefore, in accordance with Article 41 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Laws Applicable to Civil Relations Involving Foreign Countries, the laws of the People's Republic of China shall be applied as the law applicable to the relevant matters, but this does not mean that the application of the CISG shall be excluded ipso facto. The judgement of the first instance, without determining whether the CISG should be applied to the case, directly applied the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other domestic laws of China, which was improper and should be corrected.


     In Case No. 107 of the Guidance Cases issued by the Supreme People's Court ((2013) Min Four Zhong Zi No. 35), the court held that the parties agreed that the contract should be entered into, governed and interpreted in accordance with the law of the State of New York of the United States in force at the time, that the countries where the parties have their places of business, Singapore and Germany, are both Contracting States of the CISG, and that the parties unanimously chose to apply the CISG as the basis for determining their rights and obligations in the first instance, which it did not exclude the application of CISG, therefore, the Jiangsu Provincial Higher People's Court was correct to apply CISG to hear the case, and for the issues involved in the case which are not stipulated in CISG, the law of the State of New York of the United States, which was chosen by the parties, shall be applied. Case No. 107 makes it clear that CISG has priority application in China, points out the criteria for determining the exclusion of the application of CISG, and indicates the path of legal application for matters not provided for in CISG.

     4.笔者观点/ Author's view


     The author tends to agree with the viewpoint of "inclusion". As a Contracting State of the CISG, when the parties agree to choose Chinese law as the applicable law for dispute settlement, if the places of business of the parties are in different Contracting States, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1(1)(a) of the CISG, the CISG shall be applied in preference.


     Professor Han Shiyuan of Tsinghua University Law School pointed out in his article The Application of CISG in International Commercial Arbitration in China that the prevailing view is that unless the parties specifically and explicitly instructed on a country's domestic law of sale, merely instructing on the law of a Contracting State should be considered to include the CISG. The CISG is an international treaty approved by China for accession to, and has priority over general domestic civil law, if the conditions for its application are met. The CISG is an international treaty approved by China, which, subject to the conditions of applicability, has priority treatment over general domestic civil law.


     As mentioned above, if the parties have expressly agreed on a particular domestic law of the law of a CISG Contracting State (e.g., by agreeing on the application of China's Civil Code), the application of CISG may also be considered to be implicitly excluded because the Civil Code and CISG are two completely independent laws. Particular attention should be paid to the situation mentioned in this article, where the parties have only agreed to apply "Chinese law" but have not specified which law is to be applied, and the parties are unable to agree on whether or not to exclude the application of the CISG, then the application of the law will be in dispute.


III. Compliance advice to enterprises


     China's enterprises are very active in foreign trade activities, many enterprises in signing contracts with foreign customers or partners, usually focus more on business terms, not to hire professional foreign lawyers to conduct a comprehensive review of the contract; or although there are lawyers to review, but still based on the concept of the domestic law of the contract rights and obligations of the provisions of the review, but often ignore the application of the law, dispute resolution and other seemingly "unimportant" provisions; or when amending the terms of the foreign law simply modified to "Chinese law", the agreement is not clear.


     For Chinese enterprises, the choice of whether or not to apply CISG as the law applicable to the contract for the international sale of goods should be made on the basis of an accurate understanding of CISG. If the application of CISG is considered more favourable, then the contract should try to agree on the application of CISG in specific, precise and unambiguous language, and similarly, if the application of CISG is to be excluded, it should be excluded expressly as far as possible. In this process, if necessary, professional legal support from foreign lawyers can be sought to avoid subsequent disputes.


     For example, if a company does not want the CISG to apply to the contract, but wants to apply Chinese law, which we are more familiar with. The following clauses can be applied by reference: “This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the China and shall not be governed by the conflict of law rules or choice of law rules of any jurisdiction or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.”







     张迪,泰和泰(南京)律师事务所 合伙人


     谭芳,泰和泰(南京)律师事务所 律师



